Annual Report 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility

Aspiration and Organisation

Cembra Money Bank generates competitive advantage and wealth for its stakeholders in the long-term by actively taking into account the interests and expectations of its most relevant stakeholders. In this way, the Bank always aims to adhere to highest responsibility standards from an economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary perspective.

Based on challenges and opportunities that the Bank faces, four key areas of corporate social responsibility have been identified. This report is structured along these areas, similar to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report in the previous reporting period:

  • Integrity of products and services;
  • Customer orientation;
  • Employee diversity and development;
  • Social engagement.

The Bank’s strategic goal is to enhance its position as a leading provider of consumer finance products and services in Switzerland whilst maintaining its identified corporate social responsibility objectives. The critical success factors for achieving this goal are the ability to raise presence in key markets and to continue to differentiate through outstanding service and operational excellence. Hence, the integrity of products and services is crucial to this strategy and to preserving the Bank’s future success. In addition to complying with the regulatory requirements, the Bank takes its responsibility seriously and requires that employees always act in the best interests of the Bank and its customers.

Customer orientation lies at the heart of the Bank and its employees, who ensure to provide responsible consumer finance products and services. In addition to the credit capacity of customers that is evaluated according to the legal regulations of the Swiss Consumer Credit Act, the Bank also puts a strong emphasis on thorough verification of the customer’s creditworthiness. Embedded in systematic and consistent decision-making and supported by personal, face-to-face customer contact when needed, this process leads to predictable and stable default rates within the defined risk tolerance of the Bank (see Risk Management Report on page 20).

Employees are the key to the Group’s success. They embody and share the Cembra values and drive the Bank’s future. Employee diversity and development are a core element of Cembra Money Bank’s corporate culture. This is expressed by the Bank’s endeavour to offer an inspiring and collaborative workplace for its employees.

Cembra Money Bank is also committed to social engagement. Volunteering for charitable projects has been present in the Bank for the past two decades and is strongly encouraged by the Bank’s management. This is not only to give something back to the community; it also provides an ideal way for employees to take on new responsibilities and further explore and develop their personal skills.